The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. Wiedemann's The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

Kentucky's Oldest and Largest Brewery
(These three are the same picture, more or less. The b&w image in the center a key to show you how much of the image on the left is actually a part of the brewery; the image in the center is a key to the buildings various functions, and is from a Facebook post from Over the Barrel: The Brewing History and Beer Culture of Cincinnati)

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
John Butcher's Jefferson Street Brewery

George Wiedemann entered the brewing business on August 8, 1870, when he became a partner with John Butcher's Jefferson Street Brewery. They employed 17 people and produced 3500 barrels of beer a year. Wiedemann bought out Butcher on September 24, 1878, and incorporated The George Wiedemann Brewing Company on March 17, 1890. On August 1, 1967, Wiedemann sells to G. Heileman Brewing of LaCross, Wisconsin, which announced on March 30, 1983 that the facilities would shut down.


Dayton, Ky

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Company

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
Aerial Views of Wiedemann's The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. Royal Amber Champagne Beer Aerial Views of Wiedemann's


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

Interior of Wiedemann's,
capacity 325,000 bottles daily
Wiedemann's, 1890 The Wiedemann Brewery, Newport, 1913

 Campbell Frill Line

A short history of Wiedemann's is here.

A 1909 description of Wiedemann is here.

Wiedemann Wagon Wiedemann Wagon
Butscher & Wiedemann crew

Johann Butscher (Butcher), who started the Jefferson Street Brewery around 1866 and later became a partner with Geo. Wiedemann.
Thanks to Butscher's great-, great- granddaughter Victoria Butcher Lockwood for these.

Campbell Frill Line


Street View from 1956


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
Charles Wiedemann
Chas. Wiedemann
Wiedemann Residence,
Cote Brilliante
The Wiedemann House is on the National Register of Historic Places. The application (pdf) contains lots of images, history, and architectural details. From 1984.


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. Wiedemann's
Home of 150 Horses at the
Wiedemann Brewery
Thanks to Nancy and Dennis Hanseman for this image.
This is Pete Hartig, driving the
Wiedemann wagon with Rex, Ace,
and Duke in a Covington parade.
Thanks to Doug Studer for this one!
Wiedemann's Wagon, 1944
from a Facebook post by Linda Schilling Mitchell

Wiedemann's stables included a horse hospital. They didn't completely discontinue their use of horses until 1947.


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
Das Deutsche Gast Haus,
Wiedemann's Brewery,
Reception Room
at Wiedemann's
Die Deutsche Bierstube for
Visitors, Wiedemann's


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
Presidents Office Wiedemann Residence Secretary's Office Main Office


Wiedemann Malt House

Wiedemann Malt House
A malt house is a building where cereal grain is converted into malt by
soaking it in water, allowing it to sprout and then drying it to stop further growth


Wiedemann Wiedemann Malt House Wiedemann Malt House
c. 1920 From a Facebook post by Tom Fahlbusch


Wiedemann Field Wiedemann Field Wiedemann's
Wiedemann Baseball Stadium
Opened May 17, 1908
In the 1937 Flood
from Facebook posts by Cam Miller
The team played at their park at 10th and Lowell
The Reds played the Wiedemann team on August 12, 1908. The Reds pitcher was Hall-of-Famer Noodles Hahn, and the Reds won. Stories from Facebook posts by Cam Miller, are here, here, and here.
Cy Young - yeah, that Cy Young - once pitched at the Wiedemann Park.


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.   Wiedemann Team
Wiedemann Baseball Team October 9, 1907.   1909
“To Mr. Chester Stockum, 8 + Doolittle Sts, Carnegie, Pa., Dear Brother, Aunt Barb did not get here yet, and when  she does we will let you know.  Mama and Papa went to see these men play Sunday.  The Covingtons beat them. 5 to 3 favor of the Covingtons. From your loving sister. Mamie.”





Wiedemann Wiedemann's Wiedemann Wagon
From a Facebook post by Jim Deaton
  Gents on a Wiedemann Wagon Wiedemann Wagon, 1944
From a Facebook post by Linda Schilling Mitchell

Wieemann Wiedemann's
From a Facebook posts by Carole Goetz


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
Wiedemann Trucks, unknown date
The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
This is one of Wiedemann's
“new” trucks. 1954
Wiedemann truck from the 1930's You can read Wiedemann's own
explanation of this one, here.

The George Wiedemann Brewery registered 8 trucks in February of 1911, 2 Packards and 8 Electrics.  In March of 1911, Charles Wiedemann - the  son - registered a 30 hp Packard, and in May of 1911, George Wiedemann - the father - registered a 24 hp Packard.

Campbell Frill Line


Münchener, from Wiedemann


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.   The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
An aerial view of the
entire plant,1940
Thanksgiving Greetings and a poem from Wiedemann



Wiedemann's brands bottle caps
From a Facebook post by David Timmer


Beer Caps
Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, July 29, 1907


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co. The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.
Envelope from1907.  Wiedemann's Ad from 1908
 Wiedemann - “The Acme of
 Scientific Beer Brewing”
Letterhead of the
 baseball team
Wiedemann Letterhead,


Dayton, Ky

The Wiede Man


Wiedemann's Wiedemann's
Child rearing advice from old Wiedemann ads.

“strength, life purity, and flavor.”


The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co.

One lady's opinion of Wiedemann

Wiedemann Wiedemann Wiedemann
Labels of brews specifically designated for use on the dining cars of the C&O and the C&O Railroad. A Wiedemann brand


Wiedemann's Wiedemann's new
Wiedemann's Royal Amber


Wiedemann's Wiedemann's Wiedemann's
Wiedemann's Ads

Campbell Frill Line