Newport Barracks
If you're not familiar with what Newport Barracks was, there's a short
description of it, on Wikipedia, that will help, here.


Newport Barracks

View of the Barracks, c 1830's


Newport Barracks Newport Barracks Newport Barracks
Barracks, c. 1890 Newport Barracks, 1872 
(across the Ohio River)
That's the Golden Crown
 in the Licking at Newport
 Barracks, c. 1878


Newport Barracks Newport Barracks Newport Barracks
Newport Barracks, looking
 north, late 1800's
Mouth of the Licking,
 circa 1885
Looking North on the Licking River
 The Barracks is on the right


Newport Barracks Newport Barracks
Map with Barracks, and the old Newport Street Names Layout and Description of the Barracks



The steamer Bostona ties up at Newport Barracks


Newport Barracks Newport Barracks

The steamer headed south down the Licking is the
Golden Rule, that's the Barracks in the background


Newport Barracks Newport Barracks

Newport Barracks, 1883 Flood


Barracks Flood
Indianapolis Journal, February 14, 1883

Newport Barracks Newport Barracks
The Barracks in the 1884 Flood The Newport Barracks in the 1884 Flood


1884 Barracks
Looking Across the Licking in the 1884 Flood


Newport Barracks

Cincinnati, Ohio from the Newport Barracks
 from a stereoview card, circa 1885


Newport Barracks

Ele Bowen cruised down the Ohio in 1855, and kept a detailed journal of places he passed.  This is his
drawing of Newport.  You can read his Rambles in the Path of the Steam-Horse in its entirety at Google Books.


Newport Barracks Newport Barracks Newport Barracks

Mouth of the Licking, with Newport Barracks

“The army maintained the Barracks while it constructed Ft. Thomas. On November 11, 1894, the last commandant of the Barracks, Major William M. Wherry, a Missourian who won the Medal of Honor in the Civil War, marched the entire garrison of two officers and 57 enlisted men three miles to Ft. Thomas. Wherry returned to decommission the post and lower the flag for the final time November 28.” from Newport, Kentucky: A Bicentennial History, Purvis, et. al


Newport Barrracks

An older litho of the Barracks


Newport Barracks Newport Barrracks
Newport Barracks, 1887 A view from the Barracks

Campbell Frill Line

Eunice Tripler was born into a military family that included a stop at the Newport Barracks. We've excerpted the Newport chapter of her memoir, Eunice Tripler: Some Notes of Her Personal Recollection (1910), and that's a pdf you can read here. If you want to read the entire book, it's online at this site.
“600 DOLLAR REWARD. for 20 deserters from the United States of Army, or, $30, for any one.  Descriptions of each can be had at the Recruiting Rendezvous in Cincinnati, or this Station.  Hereafter, whenever a Soldier deserts from this Post, notice will be given by a discharge of two cannon in quick succession.  All good Citizens are earnestly requested to apprehend Deserters from the flag of their country.  N. C. Macrea, Cap't. ed, Inf't. Commanding, Depot, Newport, Ky., April 30, 1892.”  Licking Valley Register, May 7, 1842.
Troops excluded from bounties on Indian scalps in 1794, here. (before the Barracks was formed) A little more background on the Barracks.
1834 letter to the editor excoriates the shape of Newport's troops. And they respond. Both are here.
The Scioto made a trip or two to New Orleans. She took a company of regular soldiers from Newport Barracks to New Orleans during the Mexican war. I was on her at the time. We turned the cabin over to them, and by the time we got through the cabin was in a condition to be over-hauled and disinfected.” Portsmouth Times, Aug. 21, 1886, in an interview with a former riverboat captain.
“President Lincoln, in a conversation in Washington city with Hon. Garret Davis, of Paris, Ky., states distinctly that he would make no military movement upon any state or section that did not offer armed resistance to the authorities of the United States, or the execution of the laws of Congress; that he contemplated no military operations that would require him to march troops into or across Kentucky, and therefore he should not attempt it; that if Kentucky, or her people, should seize upon the U. S. post at Newport, it would be his duty, and he might attempt, to retake it.” from The History of Kentucky, by the Late Lewis Collins, Judge of the Mason County Court, Revised, Enlarged Four-Fold, and Brought Down to the Year 1874 by His Son, Richard H. Collins, A.M., LL.B.
In 1782, five explorers, before going their separate ways, agreed to  meet in 50 years on the same spot in Newport.  They did.  Read it here. Daniel Carter Beard's autobiography has a recollection of an incident at Newport Barracks, here.
“A novel sight was witnessed in the Barracks yard yesterday afternoon.  It was a wedding on the water.  The contracting parties were Mr. Frank Hoffman and Miss Ella G. Clephane.  They procured a license, and then hunted up a boat, in which they embarked with a preacher.  The craft was headed toward the Barracks Belvedere, which is now buried in twenty feet of water.  Then they arrived at the center of it the bridal craft was held by the oars while the minister tied the silken cord.  The happy couple then took for their bridal tour a trip through the submerged districts.” From the Cincinnati Enquirer, February 14, 1884.

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, January 13, 1865

Campbell Frill Line

newSome prisoners from the War of 1812 (Wikipedia) were brought to the Barracks.
newAt least one soldier at Newport Barracks wrote poetry, 1837.
Steve Preston wrote about the Barracks in the Kentucky Tribune, at this site. Kentucky Legislature confirms US purchase of Newport lands for fort in 1803. There are escapees from the Barracks, 1812. And a reward.
This long-ish item about the Barracks ran in the Cincinnati Enquirer, December 30, 1894 The Twiggs court martial at Newport Barracks, here (pdf). Aaron Burr to attack Newport Barracks?
In 1861, the New York Times ran a story from a correspondent who toured the Newport Barracks one Sunday morning.  It's here. In 1853 there was a disturbance between the town and the folks at the barracks, also reported in the New York Times, here. In 1853, Barracks soldiers throw rocks at a drunken citizen, and the citizens take offense.  More here.
“Newport – Target practice was indulged in by the troops of this post in Taylor’s Mill Bottom yesterday.  The target was an eighteen inch one, and was fired at from a distance of 200 yards.  In their march through the city they were headed by the band, and commanded by Col. Mason.  Target practice will take place regularly once a week.”  From the Covington Daily News, August 21, 1875
A newer article about the Barracks is at this site. Barracks troops and local citizens clash in 1868, here. “The enlistment at the Newport, Ky., barracks is very active, and there are now over 500 men in the garrison.” Evansville (Ind.) Journal, April 18, 1861
If you forgot to turn in your government issued weapon after the War of 1812, please turn it in so they can send it to Newport.
Woman defends her name at the barracks, 1892, here. The Kentucky Post ran a story on the Barracks in 1894, here. In 1850, The Cincinnati Gazette says the best recruits come from the Barracks, here.
“A military gentleman said to the Enquirer yesterday ‘that the people of Newport may as well give up the idea of retaining the Barracks here.  The Government officials had enough with three floods, and did not propose to risk the fourth.’  The boys at the Barracks, however, have been out with two boats delivering relief ever since the flood started.” Cincinnati Enquirer, February 17, 1884.
The location of the Barracks was earlier used as a staging point for military operations. George Rogers Clark assembled troops there in 1780, as described in more detail in a piece by Steve Preston on the web site of the Northern Kentucky Tribune.

The Barracks was earlier named Fort Eustis?

Campbell Frill Line