
Latonia Race Track

Here's where it was.  This entire Covington map is here.
The race track opened on July 9, 1883.

  Cam Miller created this overlay of where the track was.


Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track
Helios, with Steel aboard,
wins a race at Latonia.  1913.

An Aerial View from 1938


Latonia Aerial Latonia Aerial Latonia Aerial
looking southerly looking west looking north
1922 Aerial Views of Latonia, from the Facebook page of Memories of Latonia, via Dutch Johnson




Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track
The Grand Stand on
 Derby Day
Winning the
Latonia Derby
Latonia Derby
 Crowd Scene
Caution, Winning
 the Latonia Derby
The horse racing fraternity of America was thrilled at the prospect of the first Latonia Derby, run on May 26, 1888

kenton line

The Latonia Race Track was open from 1883 thru 1939.

kenton line

Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track
The Judges' Stands at the Home Stretch The Judges Stand, from the back The Judges Stand, from the stands
Judges were there because we're in the days before the “photo-finish” was implemented. Most horse tracks didn't have the equipment until the late 1940's, if then.


Latonia Latonia Latonia Latonia Latonia


Latonia Latonia Latonia Latonia Latonia
Florence Judges Stand The Start Derby Horses to Post They're Off


Latonia Latonia Latonia Latonia Latonia
Florence at the finish at the start From a Facebook post by Dale Ashcraft Crowd


Latonia Latonia Latonia
These three are all from 1917
From Facebook posts by Will Lack


Casady Starting Starter Day
Casady was a noted starter at Latonia, before starting gates were invented At the Post   Starter A. B. Day


Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track
Club House and Judges Stand The Judges' Stands at the Home Stretch


Latonia Latonia Latonia
1906 The Infield from the back of the grandstand, 1937


Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track Latonia Race Track
Club House, grandstand, and first turn, all c. 1910.

kenton line