Ludlow Fire Department

ludlow           ludlow

G. Taylor Latta, whose 12-sided residence is above, was the son of Alexander Bonner Latta, an inventor
who, in 1852, invented one of the first commercially successful steam-powered fire engines, which
is shown above. He also introduced aerated bread to Cincinnati, made improvements in oil-drilling
machinery, and assembled the first locomotive built west of the Alleghenies.

newMore on A. B. Latta

ludlow ludlow
1934 (top) and 1935 Top: Hand-drawn hose reel, 1893
Center: Hand-drawn chemical tank, 1893
Bottom: Hand-drawn pumper, 1885

Fire Engine
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, September 21, 1897

“The people of Walton have purchased a fire engine, and will be prepared to fight fire hereafter.”
from Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, September 28, 1897

ludlow ludlow ludlow
Early City Building
And Engine house
built in 1881
Ludlow Fire Dept.
c. 1900
unknown date

ludlow ludlow

Fire Department Parades on Lower
Ash Street, 1893. The parade is in
honor of the opening of the
Columbian Exhibition.

Fire Department, when the equipment
included one horseless, and one horse-
drawn fire engine, 1918.


Ludlow VFD

Ludlow Firemen, for an unknown occasion


Ludlow Fire Truck

Ludlow Fire Truck


ludlow ludlow ludlow
Ludlow Fire Department,
1941. Firemen in the
picture listed here.
Ludlow Fire Station
and City Building
Ludlow Fire Station and
City Building, 1935


Ludlow Fire Ludlow Fire Ludlow Fire
Fire at the Magnus Metal Works in Ludlow. Sorry about the picture quality. Best available. Cincinati Times-Star, August 12, 1940
