Bridge Builder
Frank M. Masters Devoted His Skill to Local Bridge
Consulting Engineer to State Highway Commission For Several Years, He Has Been in Intimate Touch With The Progress of Construction Here.
To Mr. Frank Masters, partner of Mr. Ralph Modjeski, in the business of bridge building, goes much of the credit for the actual construction of the Maysville-Aberdeen Bridge. He was early on the ground when the bridge proposition was under discussion, and he made numerous maps of proposed site for a bridge here.
Mr. Masters, a graduate of Mercersburg Academy and Cornell University, served in various capacities under Mr. Modjeski from 1904 to 1914: inspector, draftsman, engineer, and in charge of the New York and Pittsburg offices.
He was in charge of the fabrication of the materials for the Memphis Bridge from 1914 to 1916, with headquarters in Harrisburg. In 1916 he took charge of the reconstruction of the Louisville Bridge under J. C. Bland, Consulting Engineer of the Louisville Bridge Company. Before the completion of the work, Mr. Masters accepted a commission as Major in the Ordinance Department, United States Army.
From 1918 to 1919, he served as Major in the ordinance department, having charge of the Philadelphia district and was a member of the government claims board.
He resumed his practice as a consulting engineer in 1919. Also, he did special engineering work with the Terminal Railway of St. Louis on the Interstate Commerce Commission. The work consisted of valuations, inspection and maintenance of their bridge structures. He also did special work or the Pennsylvania Railroad on various bridge re-constructions.
Rebuilding structures and plants of the Milton Manufacturing Company, Milton, Pa., held his interest from 1920 to 1921. In 1921 he designed and began building of the Clark’s Ferry Bridge, Mr. Modjeski acting as consultant. The approximate cost of the structure was $600,000. He also designed and re-constructed the Market Street Bridge in Harrisburg, with Mr. Modjeski as partner. The estimated cost of the reconstruction was $1,600,000.
In addition to his wide field of work, Mr. Masters has maintained and conducted a practice as consulting engineer on public utility valuations, expert testimony, as well as being engineer of the County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, and doing special work for the City of Harrisburg and various railway systems.
Mr. Masters is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society for Testing Materials, American Concrete Institute, Franklin Institute, and the Engineers Society of Central Pennsylvania.
Mr. C. W. Hanson was resident engineer assisted by Mr. Wallace J. Curtis. As aides to Mr. Masters, both gentlemen proved highly effective and the great structure is a monument to the constructive abilities of all three who have won the admiration of citizens generally.From the Maysville’s Daily Independent, November 25, 1931