Copyright Notice

All images, texts, and graphics on this site are presented as non-profit usages for eductional purposes.

However, the scans have been done by us, and are, along with all of the text not otherwise credited, very much copyrighted material.  We usually have no objection to anyone using them for non-profit purposes, but please ask first. If it's an image from a source we have credited, you should check with whoever is named in the citation. We will ask that if you use them on another web site, you at least give us the courtesy of linking to out top url:

There are legal issues surrounding copyright that are currently very much under debate  in Washington.   We recommend this site if you have even a casual interest in reasonable copyright laws in this country.

Our policy on sharing pictures is this: 

If you’re reposting them to Facebook, that’s fine. Just do it. Please cite our url as their source, and let us know you’ve done so – we like to read the discussions. 

If you’re re-publishing the pictures for a non-profit organization, or a non-profit project, just do it.  Feel free. All we ask is that you credit our url – - as the source of the image.  If you’re publishing something, we'll want a copy of it.  We don’t ask for the copy to verify you credited by URL, but rather because we get a kick out of seeing the myriad ways in which people use the pictures.  If you need us to re-scan images, see below.  If you’re using the pictures for a profit-making venture, we charge $10 each.  If you’re gathering a variety of pictures from various sources, i.e. Arcadia Books, we’ve been known to give up our images for free in return for the images from your project that you elect not to use. 

All of the above assumes you can right-click on the image, save it and use it. 

If you need us to re-scan the originals to higher resolution images, that’s more complicated, and we charge in most instances. The first thing we need you to do is to tell me which images you’d like.  It will delay my response unless you give me the url of the image you want.  That is, all of our images have a county name, followed by another county name/number, so, by way of example, a url looks like this:

This example is the url for image kenton154, the last piece of the url’s name, and it will seriously expedite your request if you ask for pics based on that county/number.  We know that sounds overly complicated but there are 18,000+ images on the site, and we've long ago lost our ability to be of use to folks who ask for a copy of  “our school.”  In response to your request, we will let you know which ones we can and which ones we can not supply.  We own the originals of about 25% of the items you see on our site, and can provide higher resolution images, but for the other 75%, we cannot.  In some instances we can tell you where the original may be located. 

If the above makes us sound like some strict, hard-nosed authoritarian, we assure you that’s not the case, honest.
