Walton in 1896


We made a flying trip to Walton last Friday, it being the first time we had looked upon that thriving town in about a year.   A. R. Hance, who has been doing the passenger business between the depot and the town, was the first to greet us.  He was about the busiest man in town, but he could find time in which to discuss the leading topics of the day, and make a visitor’s sojourn in the burg pleasant.   Legrand Brooks was found at his old stand, looking after the comfort of the patrons of the Phoenix Hotel.  He has been employed at that hostelry so long he is an indispensable attaché.   We met Records Johnson, who, until recently, was engaged in the mercantile business at Walton, but which he abandoned for the more lucrative and healthy pursuit of farming.  It is amusing to hear him give the pedigrees of his Alderney horses and Holstine poultry.  He is making a roaring success of agriculture.   T. F. Curley was behind the counter in his well equipped store, where he gladdens the hearts of his patrons with prices in keeping with the times.  He, like everybody else, was complaining of dull times and slow sales.   Edwards & Kennedy were house cleaning, giving their stock of hardware a thorough overhauling.  They carry a large stock and command a good trade.  Mr. Edwards, the senior member of the firm has regained his health, and is robust and hearty.  He is one of the best business men in the town.   A person can hardly realize that he has visited Walton unless he has called on Sam Hind, jr., and heard his “latest.”  Besides keeping on hand a large stock of drugs, Sam carries an excellent line of laugh producing, up to date jokes, which receive special attention.  Sam was at his best Friday.   Dropping in at Dean & Richards, we only time to say “good morning,” and then start for the train, accompanied by Mrs. Dean, who was going to the city.   Among others we met was Dr. J. L. Adams.  It was his day to be in his office at Verona, and he was on his way to the train.  The Doctor is working up a good practice and stands high as both a gentleman and a dentist.  The doctor is a worthy young man, whose success will be pleasing to his host of friends


from the Boone County Recorder, May 13, 1896