Burlington enjoys the distinction of being the county-seat of pone of the very best counties in the State, all things considered. The town is situated near the center of the county and eight miles from the nearest railroad, Erlanger. the town has about 200 inhabitants, two general merchandise stores, one drug store, a bank, a good hotel, printing office, which is owned and managed by W. L. Riddell, editor of the Boone County Recorder, one of the best papers in the State. There are four church buildings -Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Universalist. The town is laid off in a square, with a beautiful courthouse in the center. All the county officials have their offices in the courthouse. The streets of the town are wide and well shaded, making a beautiful and desirable place of residence. It has telephone connection with the outside world and a bus line making two trips a day between here and Erlanger.
From the Courier-Journal, April 4, 1903.