The Big Bone Ladies Aid
The Big Bone Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized July, 1894 with ten charter members. The first president, Mrs. G. W. Baker. The purpose being to contribute to the welfare of the church financially, spiritually and socially.
The organization now has seventeen members, one of which is a charter member, being a member for thirty-six years.
The society meets the first Thursday of each month at the home of the members. They meet the entire day. The day is spent quilting and in a social way. A bountiful dinner is always served, and an enjoyable time is had by all. Sometimes the men come in for dinner and enjoy an hour of fellowship together.
The present officers are: Mrs. J. L. Jones, president; Mrs. J. W. Aylor, Mrs. L. M. Moore, treasurer.
From the 1930 Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder