Bill Syrup

The plans of an eloping couple from Bromley, Ky., were frustrated by the father of the bride-elect yesterday morning, who followed the young couple to Delhi and caught them in time to prevent the issuing of a license. Mamie Turner is the fifteen year old daughter of Benjamin Turner, a farmer, living near Bromley. Yesterday morning, she eloped with a young man who bore the sweetly suggestive name of Bill Syrup,19 years of age. They crossed the river to Anderson's Ferry and rode on an electric car [streetcar] to Lawrenceburg.

The father noticed the daughter's absence, surmised the cause, and hitched up his team and drove to Taylorsport, Ky., where he crossed the river to Delhi. He rushed up the bank and espied Mr. Syrup gallantly assisting his daughter to alight from the car. Syrup was jarred violently several times by farmer Ben Turner's boot and the daughter was hustled to the ferry by her angry pa.

And so ended the elopement of Mamie Turner and Bill Syrup.


Cincinnati Enquirer, July 28, 1900