Burlington Baptist Church
The Burlington Baptist Church was organized December 13, 1842. The first pastor was known as :"elder" Robert Kirtley and preached for this church for several years. He was followed by his son, Rev. Jas. A. Kirtley, who preached for this church for 27 years.
Others who have pastored this church were Vardiman, Dicken, Carney, Fullilove, Itz, Hoover, Sproles, Skillman, Early, Wayman, Baker, Wells, Stith, Campbell, Demoisey, Adams, Wood, Bates, and Walker.
The first church house was built in 1843, and remained until the year 1892, when the present building was erected.
The present pastor is Rev. F. E. Walker and the present membership is 220.
From the 1930 Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder