Basketball Team
The Dawn doesn't identify these guys, but it does give us this paragraph:
"The regulars of the Bearcat '34-'35 squad, Lusby, Cook, Arnold, Demoisey and Osborne, were strengthened by the addition of Cleek, Hamilton, Harris, McClure and Ryan from Verona."
Asa "Buddy" Rouse has identified them for us:
"left to right, front row: Ira Harris, Bob Hamilton, Morris Arnold and Oscar Cook. The boys on the back row are: Homer Lee Osborn, an unknown boy, Harold Lusby, Gene “Foxy” DeMoisey and an unknown boy who is probably ?? Marsh. The man standing at the left is the coach, and Walton-Verona’s school superintendent, Raymond W. Beverly. The boy standing on the right is unknown to me. Mr. Beverly was diagnosed a year later with a brain tumor and soon thereafter died. The day of his funeral an L&N passenger train stopped at Walton for the specific purpose of taking the dozens and dozens of mourners to the cemetery at Campbellsburg, Kentucky, where Mr. Beverly is buried."