What's in the Picture


This scene is circa 1908.  I have from Buddy Rouse his recollection of what these buildings were, and while I'm sure he's correct,  keep in mind his recollections are going to begin 30 years after this picture was made, so in 1906 they may have been something else entirely. From the left, Buddy tells us we have "the Beatrice Creamery, Linton's Barber Shop, the "picture show" which later became Simpson & Johnson's feed store, then the Phoenix Hotel and then Tom Curley's grocery store with a porch-like roof which overhung the sidewalk. After Curley's store I'm sure in the photo, although pretty much hidden by the camera angle, is the building that became Conrad Hardware, then Ryan Hardware, now the AQW Building. Then Yancie King's saloon which became the Waltonian Hotel, then High Street, and then the building which housed a store on its first floor and the Masonic Lodge or I.O.O.F hall on its second floor. Its first floor later became the Jones Drug Store, then the Brakefield Drug Store and in 1976 the law offices of Rouse & Benson."
