


from a Dan Moore post in Facebook. He notes: “John H. Moore (1799-1885) who built the house I live in went to school as a child in 1806 that Bullittsburg baptist church had. i found this a few years back, it is a cool document. It lists his classmates he had. i researched and worked all of his classmates genealogy lines, and learned a lot from it. The majority of the early settlers of Hebron were either Baptist or Lutheran, check church records if you are tracing ancestors 1800-1900 because there is a lot of bio's etc in records. By the way Bullittsburg originally was located on the Ohio river in a log building on the present Richard Crisler farm (Colonel Cave Johnson's old farm) i would like to know exactly where they met. if it was inside it would take a pretty good size room. i think it was probably near present location of church but it could have been in north bend bottoms too. For example the cave johnson house was probably only less than a 1/4 mile up river from where the 1st log church stood. it would have been big enough to meet in. only speculating here but there were not many big enough places to meet at this time period. Plus the flyer says they met 4 years for classes. This is a long time.