Beaver Lick
A small post village in Boone county, situated on the Covington stage route, 20 miles from Covington, 12 miles from Burlington, the capital of the county, 65 miles north of Frankfort and 90 miles north-east of Louisville. It contains one church (Baptist), one seminary, one store, one hotel, two physicians, one magistrate, three blacksmiths, and one carriage maker. Population 100. Post office established 1854.
John W. Tucker, postmaster.
Business Directory
Ash Hill Seminary | F. Mansfield, teacher |
Cleek, Jacob | planter |
Cook, Thomas & D. | planters |
Dickey, T. | planter |
Fawcett, Thomas | blacksmith |
Hardy, W. | physician and surgeon |
Hughes, J. C. | painter |
Kells, James | stone and brick mason |
Kelly, Thomas J. | justice of the peace |
Mansfield F. | school teacher |
Opmon, J. W. | planter |
Rice, Moses S. | surveyor and civil engineer |
Roberts, J. L. | plow maker |
Roberts, J. L. | carriage and wagon maker |
Roberts, W. M. | blacksmith |
Roberts, W. M. | proprietor, Exchange Hotel |
Slayback, Thomas | blacksmith |
Sudduth, B. | planter |
Tucker, J. W. | planter |
Tucker, John W. | postmaster and general merchant |
Undehill, Rev. John | Baptist |
Wood, J. A. |
physician and surgeon |
This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original