A post office of Boone county, on the Covington and Williamstown Turnpike, six miles east from Burlington, the capital of the county, about 60 miles north northeast of Frankfort, and nine miles from Cincinnati.
It contains four churches (Christian, Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic), one academy and district school, one Masonic lodge (Goodfaith, No. 95), four hotels, one druggist, four physicians, one attorney, two magistrates, seven stores, one baker, one brick yard, two milliners, and about 17 mechanical trades. Population 350. Post office established about 1820.
Absolom Conner, postmaster.
Business Directory
Andelott, Wm. L | carriage and wagon maker |
Ashley, E. H. | carpenter and builder |
Ashley, H. | carpenter and builder |
Aydelott, G. H. | carpenter and builder |
Carpenter, Wm. H. | planter |
Clark, Burnett | boot and shoe maker, and dealer |
Clegg, David | blacksmith |
Clore & Swetnam | general merchants |
Cole, Rev. Ephraim M. | pastor of Methodist Church |
Connor, Absolom | postmaster and grocer |
Connor, Miss Frances E. | milliner |
Connor, Miss Lucy A. | milliner |
Connor, James L. | brick yard proprietor |
Connor, Paschal | planter and justice of the peace |
Corey, John A. | physician and surgeon |
Craig, Samuel | baker and confectioner |
Crawford, William M. | painter |
Duelaney, John J. | physician and surgeon |
Ferneding, F. J. | proprietor, Exchange Hotel and livery stable |
Finch & Co. | grocers |
Fish, Ezra R. | general merchant |
Fish, T. S. | general merchant |
Florence Academy | N. M. Lloyd, principal |
Florence Hotel | Arthur McFee, proprietor |
Glass, Z. P. | physician and surgeon |
Glassford, Samuel | carriage and wagon maker |
Golway, Edward | mason and builder |
Goodfaith Lodge | Masonic, No 95 |
Goodridge, John | planter |
Haines, Benjamin | painter |
Herndon, Elijah | carpenter and builder |
Jones, D. S. | proprietor, Virginia House |
Jones, J. T. | blacksmith |
Lindsay, Samuel | druggist |
Lloyd, N. M. | principal of Hanover [?] Academy |
McFee, Arthur | proprietor of Florence Hotel |
McGlasson, L. | carpenter and builder |
Mahlman, Charles | saddle and harness maker |
Oelstner, John | blacksmith |
Price, Albert | planter |
Rickoff, John | clothing dealer |
Scott, S. S. | physician and surgeon, and attorney at law |
Shotts, D. C. | carriage and wagon maker |
Stephens, Albert | justice of the peace and planter |
Sullivan, Joseph | painter |
Tanner, Joshua | planter |
Tracy, Thomas S. | tailor |
Vawter, Elder Phillip | Christian Church |
Virginia House | D. S. Jones, proprietor |
Whitaker, Rev. Wm. | pastor of Baptist Church |
Wilhoit, Milton | painter |
Williams House | Jonathan Williams, Proprietor |
Williams, Jonathon | proprietor, Williams House |
Wilson, Wm. H. | mason and builder |
Yeager, Aaron | planter |
From George W. Hawes’ Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, for 1859 and 1860