Hebron Deposit Bank
In the year of nineteen hundred and twenty, just ten years ago, the Hebron Deposit Bank opened for business to fill a much wanted necessity in the community and with the full cooperation of the influential men and women of that thriving section of Boone county.
A new building was erected to house the bank, which was a credit both to the new enterprise and to the town of Hebron, in which it was located. A great deal of thought and judgment was exercised in purchasing the interior fixtures for the bank and, when completed, a safe was installed as near burglar proof as possible to produce.
The capital stock was confined to a total of $20,000 at the start that by the diligent endeavor of the officers and directors business increased sufficient to raise that account later to $30,000 as it is today.
The business of banking in a city is more or less of an assured success due to the great number of individuals and business houses who have need for a banking connection. In a town of smaller size with limited population and fewer businesses being operated one can be proud of the fact when a bank can attain the success which has come to the Hebron Deposit Bank.
The stockholders were particularly wise and fortunate in the selection of officers and directors that were to guide the destinies of this bank from the very start, when Joel C. Clore was elected President, and John B. Cloud was elected vice president.
No less far seeing were they in choosing the present board whose character and standing in the community can bear the closest scrutiny. The present officers are Hubert Conner, President; G. H. Grant, Vice President; Charles W. Riley, Cashier. Mrs. Owen Acra is Asst. Cashier, having held that position with honor and trust since the bank started. The directors are Robert Conner, G. H. Grant, Liston Hempfling, Henry Gatje, William Goodridge, B. B. Grant, Dr. L. C. Hafer, C. S. Riddell, S. B. Nunnelley, and Mr. M. L. Crutcher. Hafer, Riddell, Gtje, and Goodridge were on the original board when the bank started and were probably instrumental in the wonderful success attained.
fromĀ theĀ 1930 Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder