1936 Hebron School Photo


The photo of the unknown Hebron graduating class, circa 1936, first row,  from left, is Joe Peeno, Lalie M. Delph, Delilah Dolwick, Frances Siekman, Vivian Hood, and Milton Rodamer;  (second row) John Sebastian, Ruth Lancaster, Ruth Hodge Tanner, Anna Lucille Grant, Mary Catherine Bullock, Evelyn Conrad, and Dorothy Dunaway; (third row) Gertrude Randall, Wood Edwards Earl Heinbach, Kenneth Wohrley, Edward Reinhardt, William Loze, Manilus Goodridge, Gene Jones, George Sprague, Orville Judy, Bessie Reeves, and Lucy Marie Souther.

Frances Siekman was the daughter of Fred Siekman and Della (Goodridge) Siekman. Frances Siekman married Ben Kottmeyer. She was the sister to my husband's father, Wilfred Allen Siekman.  The family was raised down in Taylorsport on Tanner Road, and later moved to the white farmhouse, still standing, on upper Tanner Road, near North Bend Road.  This whole area was the Siekman farm.  This year, 1936, was Fred's first year as principal of the Hebron High School.


Thanks to Linda Siekman, for providing some of the above identification, and Wanda Sprague for the rest of it. Sincere thanks to both. I note that Wanda, who sent me what appears to be a copy of the picture that had been published with all the kids identified, which identifies Frances Siekman as the fourth from the right in the first row, while Linda's note, which gave me most of the Siekman info you see here - note her last name - says she's the third from the right.