Dr. Henry C. Lassing
This greatly venerated and beloved man entered into rest July 7, 1910, at his residence in Boone county, Ky., in the seventy-eighth year of age.
The life and labors of Dr. Lassing are his truest eulogy, and his enduring memorial. For more than half a century he faithfully served as a physician the people among whom he was born and reared. Possessed of unusual force of character, and of remarkable strength and fineness of intellect, he became widely known and acknowledged as one of the first ability and great eminence in the medical profession. With noble and heroic self-denial, he diligently used his talents in ministering to the sick and suffering. To his kind and sympathetic heart, belonged in largest degree God's-blessing on “him that considereth the poor.” His chief earthly reward is the warm gratitude and affection of a multitude of hearts that now deeply mourn the loss of their good friend and wise helper.
A just and upright man, he discharged in an exemplary manner his civic, social, and family duties. A member of the Richwood Presbyterian Church, he died, we assuredly believe, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as his sure and only hope of salvation.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna E. Coleman Lassing, who for forty-seven years shared as his loving and faithful help-meet in his life, and their six children - John M., Judge of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky; Henry C., an Attorney-at-Law, of Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Joseph Collins, of Crittenden, Ky.; Mrs. Joseph Huey, of Union, Ky.; Walter H., an officer in the U. S. Navy, and Coleman, who is at home.
With their deep sorrow, as they mourn the loss of such a husband and father, must mingle thankfulness for the priceless heritage left them in his good name and noble life and character.
-His Pastor.
Christian Observer, August 17, 1910