Mrs. Richardson
Great Surgical Operation. — One of the most hazardous operations known to surgeons was performed upon the wife of Mr. Joseph Richardson, of Boone county, Ky., who was brought to this side of the river, in Delhi township, for surgical relief. On the 22d day of last month a tumor was cut from the interior of her abdomen weighing more than forty pounds, which had been growing two years, rendering her life an intolerable burden. It had become attached to the bowel, and to the walls of the abdomen throughout. The last mentioned part was divided in the operation by a cut fourteen inches in length. This terrible operation was performed by Dr. Litzenberry, of Cheviot, in this county, assisted by his partner, Dr. Leonard, and Mrs. Lindsey and Gaines, of Delhi township. Dr. Dodge, of this city, administered ether with his usual efficiency — and the patient declared afterwards “that she did not feel the scratch of a knife.” Mrs. Richardson is now on the 16th day after the operation improving rapidly, and declares that she feels well enough to sit up. — Cincinnati Enquirer.
Sacramento Daily Union, July 25, 1855