Nathaniel McClure

Came to Kentucky, fall 1795. Coming through the wilderness, at a place called Cumberland Can-brake, they had kept up a sentry, not from personal fear of Indians, but that their horses should be stolen. They were up and stirring just at the very peep of day beginning to break. Before sunrise they met a part of 7 Indians, who had no doubt been thieving through the region. Had guns. Passed without ceremony. In 1798, I moved to this section, intending to have gone over into Ohio. But the sickness was so great over on Mill Creek, there were hardly enough well people to take care of them. An acquaintance having a large survey here, I bought land, and other of my friends moved down in a year or two and settled.

Richwood Station got its name from the rich wood. Had been settled before I came.

Andrew Kincaid came several years after I did. Was never a member here. His sister, Mrs. Owens, was; and he was a supporter of religion. The first meeting ever held here, was at his house, before any church was yet organized, by Wm. W. Martin, now of Indiana, & Robt Stuart of Walnut Hills. The church was organized by Samuel Rannels, from Bourbon.

Some families had settled in along the ridge, here and there several years before I came. The pea-vines brew along in the heads of the hollows, so that you could track a turkey, and run on its trail. A little dead cane lay about on the bottoms of the creek, and heads of rich hollows. There was none green when I came.


from the Draper Papers, 13CC185-6