Odd Fellows Hall
This building which still stands on Main Street was originally built in 1906. There was an Odd Fellows Hall on the second floor, and various businesses on the first floor. Buddy Rouse, owner of the building, tells us that it was built as a “common law condominium:” that the Odd Fellows actually owned the second floor, later owned by the Masonic Lodge, while the businesses owned or rented the bottom floor.
The bottom floor was originally a grocery, later the Jones Drug Store, later the Brakefield Drug Store, later a third Drug Store under the management of Ed and Janet Harden, and the law offices of Rouse and Rouse since 1976.
...and, there's this, excerpted from the Boone County Recorder, May 15, 1907:
New I.O.O.F. Hall Dedicated at Walton After a week of rain, the skies cleared for the dedication of the new lodge of the Odd Fellows in Walton, on Saturday morning, May 11, 1907. The Boone County Recorder reports that “the ground not being in condition for planting corn, the farmers for miles had naught to do by take their families to the dedication, and before noon, the crowd arrived, the sidewalks were crowded with visitors from every direction bent on making the day one of great pleasure, while the trains on the L. & N., and Q..& C. brought many visitors from a distance.” The Walton Brass Band met every train that stopped, and they were “among the most entertaining features of the occasion.”