One Room Schools Listing, 1897

Teacher Location
Lacy Kirtly Balsly School
Mrs. Shellie Tanner Pleasant Valley
Nannie Bristow Grange Hall
Mary Riley Florence
Mrs. Mary Walton Petersburg
Flora Youell Beech Grove
Lizzie Gordon Petersburg
Bessie VanHess Maple Hall
Viola Walker McVille
Stella Wright Kensington
Rose B. Wilson Big Bone
J. M. Boundurant Hamilton
W. M. Randall Terrill School
B. W. Nelson Petersburg
H. L. Harrison Bullitsville
C. P. Gurley Big Bone Church
Walter Kelly Locust Grove
L. C. Hafer Francisville
Ella Norman Oak Ridge
Emil Grasser Woolper
O. Snyder Aurora Landing
T. W. Balsly Point Pleasant
W. Gaines Burlington
D. M. Snyder Willoughby



from the Boone County Banner, a publication of the Boone County Lutheran Churches, September, 1897