Outrage. — The Lawrenceburg (Indiana) Beacon, of the 23d ult., says: “A most daring outrage was committed, in this place, on the persons of two colored men, who were here waiting for an opportunity to get a passage on a steamboat to Evansville or some point on the river nearest to Vincennes. Names of the negroes unknown. The circumstances were, as we believe, about as follows: Mr. Joseph Darragh, a constable, in company of a man by the name of Alfred Gristy, called at the house of Moses, a colored man, where the two negroes were staying for a short time waiting for a passage on a boat, and told them they must go to the Mayor's office and be examined, to which they consented, alleging that they were freemen. But, instead of conducting them, as proposed, to a magistrate's office, they were taken to the jail, Darragh having procured the keys under the pretence of wishing to clean the jail. Several persons saw them put into the jail, and, on inquiring of the constable what they were imprisoned for, were told they had been fighting, and were committed for it. Late in the night, it appears, they procured some other assistance, and said colored men were conveyed across the Ohio river, and lodged in the jail at Burlington, Boone co., Kentucky, and Gristy having filed his affidavit with the jailor that they were taken up in Boone county, Kentucky, as runaways, Darragh and Cristy were both arrested by the proper officer, but escaped his vigilance, and there is now a reward of $50 offered for their apprehension.
The Liberator, July 21, 1843