

The version of the affair at Aurora, In., given by us yesterday, was grossly incorrect. The two colored men were seized without warrant and without proof that they were fugitives, simply in the hope of getting a reward. They were taken to Lawrenceburg for confinement in the county jail, but the officers refused to recognize the authority of their captors. They were then carried back to Aurora, and there threatened and abused until the indignation of the community against the men who had arrested them began to be expressed in such unmistakable terms that they let their prisoners go. The latter had not passed the corporation limits, however, before they were pursued by a rowdy mob, against whom they bravely defended themselves, levelling a number of their assailants to the ground. Being at last overcome, they were bound with cords, and horribly beaten with brass knuckles. Soon after, their master, a Baptist preacher, of Boone County , Kentucky, arrived, but was so shocked at the treatment his men had received that he refused to give any reward his their captors, and said he had much rather the runaways had gone to Canada than received such inhuman abuse.


National Anti-Slavery Standard.