The Petersburg Cemetery
The Petersburg Cemetery is one of the best kept and on as solid and substantial a financial basis as in county cemetery in northern Kentucky. The plot of ground was originally called "the graveyard" and was laid out into lots which sold for $25.00 each. As the years went on the original purchase price received was expended in the upkeep on the cemetery, leaving the treasury practically bare. About this time Mrs. Martha Norris Collins died, leaving $500.00 in a trust fund, the interest of which was to be applied toward the upkeep of the entire cemetery. Later, Mrs. Nannie Berkshire Gaines gave $100 to be added to this fund. Then Edgar C. Riley became interested in the enterprise and with the help of others interested pushed it toward completion. John Uri Lloyd gave the magnificent sum of $5,000.00 This was followed p by an additional $1,000.00 given by E. Y. Chapin, a banker of Chattanooga and boyhood resident of Petersburg. Other contributions were received from Miss Elizabeth Olds, $550.00; Mrs. L. N. Early, $100.00, and others in amount ranging from $50 to $100 until the permanent endowment totals over $11,000.00 and the fund is still growing. The present official board of the Petersburg Cemetery is composed of B. H. Berkshire, president; E. C. Riley, secretary; Wm. Stephens, treasurer; L. S. Chambers and H. H. Grant, directors.
From the 1930 Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder