The Second Covered Bridge Out of Petersburg

The second covered bridge out on the Petersburg pike was put out of commission by the flood, last Wednesday night. The water cut the road away from the south east end of the structure, leaving it in a condition that made it necessary for travel to go a considerable distance around the crossing for several days. That bridge and the one next to Burlington on the same road are wooden structures that span Woolper Creek, the span of each bridge being almost 40 feet. They were built about 1851, by the late Henry Malory, the frame work being of heavy timbers, the sides weatherboarded while a shingle roof covers the entire buildings. It has cost very little to keep these bridges in repair. The stone work, two large abutments at either end of each having withstood the ravages of both time and tide to this day without repairs worth speaking of. These bridges were built in the "good old times," when it is claimed that everybody was honest, but, be that as it may, such substantial work is not done in these days.


from the Boone County Recorder, March 6, 1907