"Night Riders" Blamed
Enos Nixon's Home Burned, Causing Loss of $5,000
The home of Enos Nixon, a wealthy farmer near Petersburg, burned last night, causing a loss of $5,000. "Night Riders" are held responsible. The torch was applied at midnight, while members of his family were asleep and they escaped only through the intelligence of a dog, which was in the kitchen and which awakened the family barking.
Mr. Nixon rescued his wife and children and then bethought himself of $200 concealed in the house. He returned for the money, but was overcome by the heat and the smoke and was himself rescued by neighbors., who hastened to the scene. There was no insurance. Nixon is a game warden and some persons are disposed to think that hunters whom he recently apprehended are responsible for the destruction of the property.
This is from the Mount Vernon, Kentucky Signal of January 31, 1908. It should be noted that revenge was not typical motivation for the Night Riders, who were more into tobacco prices, and on some occasions, race. The use of the term here is probably indicative of the high profile of the night riders at this time: 1908 was "prime-time" for night rider activity. Read more about them here.