Grant (Belleview)

A village also called Belleview, with a population of 50, settled in 1810 and incorporated in 1872.  It is situated on the Ohio River, in the [northwestern] part of Boone County, 8 miles from Burlington, the county seat, 100 from Louisville and 7 from a railway station.  Its shipments are principally tobacco, country produce, and willowware.  Tri-weekly mail.  A. Corbin, postmaster.

Business Directory

Corbin, A. & Son, general store
Dolph, C. A. & Co, general store and coal dealers
Grant, J. M., physician


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original