

A settlement on the Ohio River, formed in 1800 and located in the southwestern part of Boone county, 13 miles from Burlington, the county seat, 50 from Cincinnati, Ohio, and 100 from Louisville.  The nearest railroad station is Verona, on the [Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington Railroad], 8 miles distant.  Its shipments are tobacco, grain, and livestock.  Tri-weekly mail.  M. J. Johnson, postmaster.

Business Directory

Adams, B. W., stock dealer.
Garnett, W. W., General Store.
Gordon, Matthew, general store.
Johnson, T. B., produce and leaf tobacco.
Kennedy, J. W., general store.
McLoughlin, C. A., jr., Hotel.
Ruter, R. R., physician.
Wood, J. A., physician.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original