A station on the L. C. & L. R. R. [Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington Rail Road, a.k.a. the L&N - ed], located in the southern part of Boone County, 17 miles from Burlington, the county seat., and 84 miles from Louisville. It contains three churches - Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic - and two schools - district and high. Its exports are hogs, cattle, tobacco, and grain. Express, Adams. Daily Mail. Population 150. W. M. Rogers, postmaster.
Business Directory
Ambler & Breedon, grocers.
Callahan, J. H., grocer
Conly, John, carpenter.
Finnell, R. L. general store.
Fullilove, Marion, carpenter.
Hoard, R. L., general store.
Lewis, C. D., carpenter and undertaker
O'Neal, W. S., physician.
Powers, Jeff, blacksmith.
Showers, J., station agent and general store.
Sleet, John M., dep. clerk Boone County.
Veste, J. P., general store.
Wolf, W. P., wagonmaker and blacksmith.
This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original