Union Deposit Bank
When the last Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder was printed back in 1903, the Union Deposit Bank had not yet opened its doors for business, but there was an article about the bank, and a picture of Dr. M. J. Crouch, who conceived the idea of organizing that institution, and [was] one of its chief promoters greatly interested in the success of the venture. To quote the closing paragraph in the edition of twenty-seven years ago, "The Union Deposit Bank will begin its career well backed financially, well organized, handsomely equipped, and splendidly officered, and the Recorder trusts it will exist a thousand years hence." The Recorder still holds to that hope and since those words were written nearly three decades have passed and many changes have taken place in both personnel and business growth. One of the staunchest supporters and most interested, however, is still on the job in the person of J. L. Frazier, who, as cashier, helped organize the bank and now, though at the age when most men retire, is still as active as ever in guarding and protecting the depositors money. A complete biography of Mr. Frazier will be found in another place in this edition. If being well officered was a feature of the opening of the Union Deposit Bank, it is no less an asset now for keen competition exists in banking circles these days, just as it does in any line of business. The present officers and directors have maintained the confidence of the stockholders and depositors alike, fully meriting such approbation from every standpoint. Ezra Blankenbecker is now President of the bank with Owen Blankenbecker as Vice President, who with J. L. Frazier, C. C. Blankenbecker, J. W. Conner (who was vice president at the opening of the bank), T. E. Garrison and George C. Barlow comprise the present board. The assistant cashier is Miss Lillian Bristow, who has been a faithful and trusted employee fort twelve years. The writer doubts if any man or woman was ever held in higher esteem buy a community than Miss Bristow is in that section of the county.
from the 1930 Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder.