The Verona Public School
March 1897 The Verona Public Schools closed Feb. 1st. It seemed very much to the regret of both parents and pupils. The children are deeply devoted to Mr. Craven and Miss Rouse, and arise with one voice to urge them back again next year. Miss Rouse has gone home for a short visit, and will return the 18th inst., to begin a spring term the following Monday. We hope to make Miss Rouse a fixture in our community, as she is an active worker in every good cause. The trustees expect to begin the creation of a new public school building, consisting of three rooms, the first of May, in order to complete it by the end of the fiscal year. We have had two grand schools this year - the League Institute under the management of Miss Hamilton and her corps of teachers are doing noble work; one of her pupils, Kirby West, age 17, received the highest grade – 94% at the State Public School examination. Those desiring to patronize good schools in a healthy, quiet, and moral locality can find no better place than Verona.
July, 1897 The new Schoolhouse at Verona is at a standstill. There has been some disposition on the part of some to fight it from the first and the prospects are good that there will be no new house for some time to come. ‘Sure I must fight if I would reign,” has a very wide application.
August, 1897 The new school building in Verona will be completed Sept. 15. It will be a model building, on the modern plan, with three large, well-arranged rooms. The Trustees deserve much credit for their efforts in securing such a building. Although the tax may be rather hard on some at the present time, yet it will be money well invested, the income of which will be increased valuation of property, better citizenship, better law and order, better men and women. J. H. Craven is principal, Miss Lillie Rouse, of Lexington, first assistant; the third teacher has yet to be chosen.
All of the above are from Boone County Banner, in various monthly issues of 1897.