Walton News,1883
Walton, March 26 [1883] - Walton is an inland village, but can justly boast of accessibility by rail. We have thirty trains daily passing here - fifteen north and fifteen south. On the L&N Road we have, south three passenger and five freights. Time of passenger trains on the L&N at this place going south: No. 1 at 9:10 a.m.; No. 3 at 9:17 p.m.; no. 5 at 4 p.m. North bound Schedule time at Walton: Passengers - No.2 at 5:33 a.m.; No. 4 at 6:17 p.m.; No. 6 at 11:12 a.m. Freight, south - At 1:17 a.m. and 2:24 p.m. and 7:47 a.m. and 4:54. Freights, north - 2:17 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. and 9:58 p.m. C. N. O. & T. P. Road [Cincinnati, New Orleans, Texas & Pacific, a.k.a. the Queen and Crescent, a.k.a. the Southern]: Four passengers trains north, four south and three freights north and three south. Passenger trains north due at this station - 6 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 4:36 p.m. and 5:20 p.m. South - 8 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 4:56 p.m. 9:10 p.m. There were eight women in this town - most all still residing here- happily united, made so by the introduction of the railroads through this section. No one of the eight had ever beheld her liege lord that was to be until he was brought here by rail. The women in this section look upon railroads as a blessing. I am indebted to Mr. Samuel Hudson, an old and well-informed farmer, for the following information regarding crop prospects. Mr. H. says of wheat that in a great many localities in this state the crop is entirely eradicated, but judges from the best information obtainable that we of this section can safely rely upon a small per cent, over half a crop. The southern portion of this state, he says, has favorable prospects for an average yield. In reference to the fruit crop, he says it has sustained no damage so far. As to the tobacco crop for the present season he says the acreage will be perhaps one third less than last year. Your correspondent will be numbered with the contestants for the $20 in gold given by Rutledge Publishing Company for ascertaining the number of verses contained in the old Bible. Any one that has an item of news suitable for publication will please send same to Box No. 2, Walton Postoffice, with name signed. I want reliable, truthful reports only. Give the substance, and I will endeavor to make it readable. Our town has an acquisition. It is a regular pool-table, balls, cues, chalk, pockets, etc. The boys seem to take to it as naturally as ducks to water. Mother Gorman is the possessor of this piece of furniture. If such a thing be possible, let us have this town incorporated, and then endeavor to fore some improvements; for instance, why not organize a fire company and provide hooks, ladders and a hand fire engine and hose? We have here one of the finest locations for manufacturing purposes I ever knew open to capitalists. It is located between the Southern and the Short Line [L&N] Railroads. A platform could be built from the main building to each road. It lays southwest from the Southern depot, contains about three acres of land and a well 45 feet deep by 9 feet in diameter, has a solid rock basin or wall 36 feet and water stands in it continually 36 feet deep. This well was sunk by Madox & Co., Distillers, some years since, with a view of establishing the distillery that is now located in Dayton, Ky., but the project was abandoned after an outlay of several hundred dollars. We don't know what the land would cost, but believe it could be purchased at a reasonable sum. It is a part of the old Major Murphy farm, and is now owned by Mr. John Murphy of Indianapolis. The curse that once held this community in chains and submission (I allude to old fogiism) is now disappearing like the morning mist. Last night Mr. Melville Percival's room at Mrs. King's hotel was entered by a burglar, who stole Mr. P's gold watch and chain and $75 in money. No clues. A. E. Demoisey is adding largely to his stock of groceries, drugs, paints, and merchandise.
from Covington's The Daily Commonwealth, March 28, 1883