Walton Advertiser


Fifteen years ago [1915] R. D. Stamler began publishing a small weekly paper in Walton with pages only nine by twelve inches and meager advertising patronage.  Their circulation did not exceed two or three hundred copies each week, and this mail was carried to the post office in a small chip basket.  As the years went by, the paper became popular locally and about fourteen years ago [1916], he associated himself with J. R. Wallace and they began the publication of a six column, four page paper.  Mr. Wallace was an old newspaperman with both daily and weekly experience, just prior to this time being associated with his brother, D. B. Wallace in publishing a weekly paper at Warsaw, Ky.  This Gallatin County publication was established in May, 1880 and was sold to other parties in 1906.  The Walton Advertiser began growing until it was found necessary to enlarge the paper to an eight page, seven column sheet.  For eleven years the paper was hand set, until about three years ago [1927], realizing the necessities of the times, a Merganthaler Linotype was installed together with a large eight column press. 

The paper which once was carried in a chip basket now requires over twenty-five mail sacks each week for mailing.  Its good efforts for Walton and the surrounding communities has been recognized, and the press owners have refused several offers of late to sell to different parties.  This establishment is also equipped with a nice job printing department that added materially to the revenue of the business.


from the Boone County Recorder 1930 Historical Edition