Walton Fire, 1906


The town of Walton was visited by a disastrous fire last evening at 6:45 o'clock, entailing a loss of $15,000, partially covered by insurance. The Odd Fellows' Temple was gutted, and four orders meeting there - the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of the World - lost their paraphernalia and all their records. The grocery store of Robert W. Jones was also completely gutted. Building adjoining Off Fellows' Hall, owned by Attorney J. G. Tomlin, was also destroyed. Many lawyers had offices in Tomlin's building. A real estate office in Tomplin's building was also burned. The fire was discovered in the rear of Jones' grocery and before the Volunteer Fire Department could reach the scene the entire building was in flames. The fire burned for some time before it was under control, and for some time the entire town was threatened by destruction. Odd Fellows' Hall cost about $4000 to build and some insurance was carried on it. Jones also carried insurance on his stock. Yarnell's Barber Shop was badly damaged by fire and water. Dr. Jones occupied rooms near the scene of the fire and his home was damaged by smoke and water.


From the Kentucky Post, January 6, 1906