Walton Established in 1840
21, 1840 . . . AN ACT to establish the Town on Walton, and for other
purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, that the town called Walton, now laid off in
the county of Boone, situated on the site of the Covington and Lexington
turnpike road, shall be, and the same is hereby established, and known
by the above name, and the boundary shall include the town lots
belonging to the following persons, to wit: E. Brasher, William Pitcher,
John Arnold, Reuben Noel, Michael Snyder, William Vanhorn, Margaret
Leonard, Silas Bridges, Elizabeth Butts, Nathan Connely, Samuel McLean,
Melville Rich and A. W. Gaines.
25, 1854 AN ACT—Incorporating the town of Walton, in Boone County. 1. Be
it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, that
the town of Walton, in county of Boone, be and the same is hereby
established and incorporated with the several streets and alleys, and
lots, as respectively laid out and numbered, or may be laid out and
numbered hereafter, with the limits hereinafter designated, to wit. John
Arnold, O.H.P. Ingram, Samuel Nye, James H Cary, and G. Booth are hereby
appointed trustees for said town from the first day of March, 1854.
The first
railroad (short line) Louisville and Nashville R. R. was built in 1869
from Covington, Kentucky to Louisville, Kentucky.
The first
charter granted to build the road from Georgetown, Ky. to Cincinnati,
Ohio through Walton was in 1819. Known at that time and for many years
as the Lexington Pike. Since referred to as the (Dixie Highway) or Route
No. 25.
The first
school was located at the forks of the Stephenson Mill road and the
Beaver Lick Pike in 1839 and remained at that location until a new brick
building was built in 1900 in north Walton. (this building remains
standing.) The first school in 1839 consisted of a three month term but
in 1869 the school term was extended to five months.
As of this
writing two of the first four graduates in 1902 are still living, they
are Mrs. Gertrude Curley Baker who lives in Florida and Miss Mattie
Hudson (Miss Mattie Hudson now deceased; house at 99 N. Main Street has
been torn down) who lives at 99 N. Main Street, Walton.
coldest day recorded in Boone County from 1818 to 1870 was 24 ½ degrees
below zero on January 19, 1857.
hottest day recorded in Boone County from 1818 to 1870 was 102 degrees
on September 3, 1954.
The first
recorded Post Office here was established as “Gaines Ford Roads” on July
4, 1815 and later changed to “Gaines Cross Roads” February 23, 1823. The
name was changed again to WALTON on October 30, 1841. James M. Gaines
was the first recorded Post Master, appointed by our fourth United
States President, James Madison on July 4, 1815. “Gaines Ford” was
located just south of the intersection of what we know now as State
Route 25 and State Route 16.
In the
early days and up until about 1910 there was a toll gate south of town
at the Kenton County line, one on Verona Road near where the All Saints
Catholic Church is now located. Another was located north of town where
the overhead Southern R.R. bridge is located. This house stands today
and Miss Lib Ingram (Miss Lib Ingram, deceased June 1, 1973) who
assisted her family to operate the toll gate is now living at Woodspoint
Rest Home at about 91 years of age. If you were riding horseback the
toll was 1 cent, if it were buggy 2 cents and for a jolt-wagon 3 cents.
A pole was across the road which could be let up or down by a rope. No
charge if you were walking.
The town’s
first street lighting were Dietz lantern like lamps mounted on posts
about eight feet high. Mr. Hedges our first “lamp lighter” would service
the lamps mounted at intervals about town and he would carry a can of
oil and a short ladder. He would fill the lamp with just enough oil to
burn out after day break. After a few years Fred Calendar had the
“lamplighter” job until the first light plant for electric lights was
built in about 1913. It was erected on the site now occupied by the
Frontier Body Shop across from the present city hall.
Stephenson operated the plant for Mr. Harry Mayfield and he along with
William Breeden and Bruce Wallace wired the Baptist Church first then
other buildings and houses around town. The first Light plant burned and
Mr. Mayfield rebuilt it. After about ten years a Corporation from Texas
came here and installed a system for the streets and buildings of the
town. Of course the first electric light in town was about 1907 when Dr.
B. K. Menefee had an office about where Mr. Webster’s T.V. shop is now.
Dr. Menefee installed a Delco plant in the back of his office to use for
medical treatment and had a drop cord for one light in each of three
rooms and a “goose neck” light outside.
about 1915 the Main street through town was dust about ankle deep, only
about five or six cars. Mr. Robt. Jones, druggist had the first car an
old E.M.F. in the fall of the year he would remove the tires, wrap them
is [in] tissue paper store them in the house until the next spring, then
replace them on the wheels. There were no demountable rims then, no
heaters, no windshield wipers, no electric lights (they used carbide for
the front and oil lights on the rear). Side curtains to protect from the
weather. License plates $2.00 and you purchased gasoline at the store
for 10 Cents a gallon. Speed limit through town 15 miles per hour. When
a horse would scare you were expected to stop your motor and then crank
it up again by hand, being very careful not to break your arm.
about 1956 someone recorded the following, about WALTON. Population
1,400 an American Town in its’ true sense, U.S.A. It’s the town of the
farmer, the small grocery store, the fisherman and the retired. The work
horse, taking a slow fade, is part of the scene. So is the
cracker-barrel philosopher, the narrow main street and the police chief
you know by first name. The telephone operator (Walton had eight) knows
every name in town. Even the two dentists and one doctor are home-grown.
The movie you see is at the community show house (James). For teen-age
recreation there’s the town skating rink. And if you break the law, you
old friend, Herman Simmons, police chief, has to break the news.
You grow
up in Walton and, if you remain, you fish and hunt and go to school with
others who grew up and chose to live and die there. The car you drive is
like others in American Town, U.S.A. You bought the gasoline from one of
several service stations. Chances are you worked with the attendants and
played cards with the owners. The news your neighbors failed to tell,
you’ll get in the Walton Advertiser. It’s a country town, and you know
your neighbors belong to the volunteer fire department, have borrowed
from the town’s bank, eaten in the same restaurants, and disagreed with
the town’s politicians. In 1956 WALTON’S main street had two hardware
stores, two dry goods stores, six grocery stores, a bank, two hotels, a
tie factory, frozen-food locker plant, an outstanding volunteer fire
department and five restaurants. There are two taverns, three garages,
appliance store, a show repair shop, dry cleaning establishment and a
funeral home. Two motels greet tourists. There’s a lumber company, drug
store, a sign shop and a school. The town has a Waterworks plant that
will suffice for years to come, the water comes from two lakes (The two
lakes from which Walton gets its water are rented to a fishing club. It
is a private club, with yearly memberships of approximately 350; it is
said that The Walton Fishing Club is the largest private fishing club in
the state.) built by the town for that purpose.
The town’s
residents are about one-third retired farmers and widowed ladies, a
third city folk who came here for low rent and country living, and the
rest business people.
trade is limited though farmers contribute heavily to the income. The
soil is productive and there’s enough rainfall for farmers to thrive and
for livestock in the immediate neighborhood. Around Walton the lands
produce corn, tobacco and feedstuffs. Cattle and hogs fatten yearly, and
city markets absorb truck garden yields.
Walton lacks playgrounds and recreational facilities of the big city,
residents travel to Covington or Cincinnati for what it lacks. The town
has bottle gas and no sewage disposal system. (Walton’s new sewage
system was completed in June, 1976.) Residents hope that will be the
next project. Its future is secure as the thousands of American towns
without which the big city would flounder. It’s one of many legs that
support the giant. Walton has the following churches: All Saints
Mission, Zion Baptist, First Baptist, Christian, Church of God and
The First
Baptist Church was founded in 1866 and a brick building was erected in
what is now known as the Walton Cemetery. In 1913 a new building was
built in south Walton to house the church and Sunday School, Ref., D.C.
Wayman was its first pastor. In 1967 a new edifice was erected beside
the previous one and the present pastor is Rev. Jerry Ennis.
The Zion
Baptist Church was built in 1872 on what is now know as Scott Street
under the then pastor Rev. Sol Watkins. The church was rebuilt in 1920
at its present location on Church Street. The present pastor is Rev.
Wilford Davis.
Christian had its beginning in 1876 under the pastorate of Rev. J. W.
Beasley. It was a frame building which stood on High Street then the end
of the street but now across from where Charlie Woods lives. On May 5,
1918 a beautiful new brick edifice was dedicated at the present site on
south Main Street with Rev. E.C. Lace in charge. Came November 1949 on
Thanksgiving Eve and the church was destroyed by fire and had to be
rebuilt under Rev. Nichols as pastor. The church at present is without a
Methodist church was first founded by a family by the name of Walls who
built a frame building in the north end of town which stood for many
years until a fine new building was erected in the south end of Walton
in 1930 with Rev. Lewis as pastor. Rev. Robt. Yates is the present
Catholic church now known as All Saints Church was dedicated in Walton
May 6, 1951 by Bishop Mulloy with Rev. Henry A. Busemeyer as pastor.
Rev. Harry Tenhundfeld is the present pastor. However the church was
moved from Verona where it was established as a mission in 1854.
The Church
of God was begun in Walton and dedicated on September 12, 1958 by Rev.
Dee Gadd the present pastor.
Many of
the Senior citizens recall the following: when there were three
blacksmith shops in town which hand made wagons used when horses and
mules were prevalent and where the farmers had their horses shod. The
blacksmith would make the shoes by heating the iron in a fire place
propelled by a hand billows and then beat the iron into shoes on the
anvil. Mr. R. M. Callender, Waite Cross and Burgess Ford worked all
their life at the trade, all three have passed on. They remember the
livery stables where you could hire a horse and buggy by the day.
Drummers (salesmen) would come out from the city by train and put up at
one of the two hotels for a week, driving to a neighboring town each day
to sell their wares. Mr. A. M. Edwards managed one livery stable and Mr.
Scott Chambers managed the other. The Atlas Hotel at the corner of High
and Main Street was managed by Mr. Henry Dears and the Phoenix Hotel
(where a parking lot now exists) was managed by Mr. Floyd Underhill. The
hotels served three meals per day and rang the bell in a tower over the
hotel just before each meal.
Walton has
the distinction of having the first do-it-yourself laundry. About 1921
Mr. Theodore Burdsall erected a building across from the present I.G.A.
store (I.G.A. Store now located where James Theatre used to be; Western
Auto Store is going in the old I.G.A. location.) with a large cistern
below it, getting water from the roof of the J.D. Mayhugh Lumber Co.
next door. He installed the Bendix washing machines where you could come
in and wash your own clothes and dry them in a metal housing heated with
an oil heater.
oldtimers tell us about when the Nite-Riders about 1908 burned the large
tobacco barn (where the Frontier Body shop is located). At that time
tobacco sold for about 2 Cents per pound. If the tobacco was sold to
others than the “Combine” the Nite-Riders would burn the tobacco and the
barns. This large barn that was burned was the place used to ‘prize’ or
pack the tobacco into hogsheads for shipment to Louisville. The Nite-Riders
road horseback with sheets covering them to hide their identity.
the Nite-Riders in about 1920 the Ku-Kluks-Klan came into being. They
burned crosses to harass some people and for two or three years they
flourished in large numbers, both men and women. An initiation ceremony
was held one night in the south end of Walton across the Holder pond and
about four or five thousand people were in town to see the goings-on.
The first
buses we had through this community was from Gardnersville to Covington
in something that resembled a miniature school bus, six passengers,
three on each side facing each other. The next were seven passenger
Studebakers running from Williamstown to Pike and Madison in Covington.
Two busses each day north and two south. You must remember we only had
pikes, not paved roads, and when we had tire trouble all the men in the
bus would lend a hand. If you were late in getting out in the morning
the driver would wait for you. The seven passenger bus developed into a
thirteen passenger bush with three doors on the side. Next we had Dixie
Traction Co. busses much like they are today, then Greyhound Bus Co.
started running from Lexington to Cincinnati about 1930.
Mr. John Gault owns the oldest house in Walton. He purchased it about 1937. It is a twenty room house, brick, located at the extreme north-end of town. The house has established a heritage through the years, with the curved staircase and secret rooms. It was built about 1791 by Col. Albert Gaines. Legend has it that the first governor of Kentucky would stop over night there in his travel to Cincinnati, of course there are tales about murders having been committed there along with other atrocities when it was a wayside inn in the early years. The Inn was known far and wide and when the early cattle drivers would drive their stock to Cincinnati for Market this was a stop-over to feed the cattle and remain over night.
by Wilford M. Rice, Boone County Recorder, August 1978