The Augusta Hotel

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Augusta Hotel

The subscriber tenders his thanks for the liberal patronage he has received from his friends and the raveling community in general. He informs them that he has been considerably enlarged and improved the establishment he occupies, on the corner of Main and Water street, at the sign of "The Lion."
The Steam Mail Packets Guyandotte and Helen Mar which ply regularly between Cincinnati and Guyandotte [Huntington, WV], stop here with the mail. The Helen Mar arrives every Wednesday and Saturday evening, and the Guyandotte every Monday and Thursday evening, going up to Guyandotte; and the Helen Mar arrives every Tuesday and Friday, and the Guyandotte every Wednesday and Saturday going down to Cincinnati. The Cynthiana mail stage, which is met by the Lexington and Georgetown stages arrives every Thursday evening and departs every Friday morning. The information is given for the satisfaction of any who may wish to travel in the boats, or stage.

  Private Rooms

Are prepared for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen.

The Stable

is large and commodious, and well supplied with the best of Provender, and a truly attentive oater.

Joshua Rucker
Augusta, Ky., July, 1833


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from the Augusta Telegraph of October 12, 1833