Augusta German Bank

The Augusta German Bank of Augusta is one of the solid institutions of this city. and maintains a position of undoubted consideration.  The bank was established in 1891.  It is a successor to the First National Bank.  The conservative yet liberal policy observed in the conduct of their affairs has secured for them the highest public confidence, which is proven by the increase of their business from year to year.

Their officers are Chas. L. Hook, president; G. H. McKibbon, vice-president; F. M. Fulkerson, cashier; and the following directors: Dr. T. S. Bradford, Rev. B. Greifinkamp, Jacob A. Meyers, S. S. Winter, and M. S. McClean.  This bank is owned by citizens of this county who represent $500,000 in real and personal property.


From an 1897 edition of Headlight: Sights and Scenes Along the C. & O. Route which featured Augusta.