Bracken Chronicle
The Bracken Chronicle is the only paper in Augusta, and is one of the leading weeklies of Northern Kentucky. It was established in 1869, and from its first issue has always advocated what it thought was best for the interests of the County and State. In politics it has always been Democratic. In March, 1891, John E. and C. S. Thompson leased the office from its owner, John S. Orr. Mr. Thompson and his sons, C. S. and James A., have had control of the office almost seven years, and by their efforts the paper now has a larger circulation than at any time in its history, and now has a bona fide circulation of 1,350; the list showing a slow but gradual increase. A glance at the columns of the Chronicle will show that it is a good advertising medium, as they are filled almost exclusively with home “ads.”
The sons are now making arrangement to and will shortly leave for Arizona, leaving the paper in full control of their father. W. T. Abbott has been foreman of the office for the past four years. Mr. Abbott is a neat printer and has the confidence of the people of the community. H. M. Marvin is a valued assistant in the office and thoroughly understands his calling. In fact the Chronicle force are all capable employees, and labor for the interests of the paper and its patrons.
from an 1897 edition of Headlight: Sights and Scenes Along the C. & O. Route which featured Augusta.