Mr. L. P. Knoedler
The firm of L. P. Knoedler is one of oldest and most prosperous in the city. It was established in 1865 as L. P. Knoedler & Co. and continued as such until 1873, when Mr. James Armstrong, one of the members of the firm, retired. It then became the firm of L. P. Knoedler. It then became the firm of L. P. Knoedler. Mr. Knoedler was born in New Jersey, and came to Augusta in 1858. He entered the business of Mr. Armstrong as a clerk and remained with him until the war. He enlisted in the Confederate army in the 3rd Kentucky Cavalry, under Morgan's command.
After the close of the war he returned and commenced business with his former employer as a partner. In 1895 he erected a handsome three-story brick building to accommodate his increasing business. His stock now occupies the three entire floors and the basement. He carries a large and complete line of drugs, notions, shades, frames, queensware, tobacco, paints, wallpaper, ammunition, etc.
The size of this commodious building is 41 by 82, and he also occupies a large storage warehouse in the rear. This house has an extensive trade throughout the Ohio and Kentucky, and it is the best and most complete store of its kind between Cincinnati and Pittsburg. Mr. Knoedler has always been an enterprising citizen and identified with the advancement of the city. He is an aide-de-camp to the Confederate Veterans Association.
From an 1897 edition of Headlight: Sights and Scenes Along the C. & O. Route which featured Augusta.