E. G. McMath & Son
This firm has just opened up a handsome new store in Augusta, and has placed before the public a splendid stock of staple and fancy groceries, both wholesale and retail. They also carry cigars and tobacco.
Mr. McMath, the manager of the firm, has been in the grocery business through his entire business career, and his experience as a traveling salesman enables him to buy goods at the lowest market price, thereby giving his customers the advantage of his experience. He proposes to keep his stock fresh and clean, and to carry the very best goods in the market. Mr. McMath was born in Moscow, Ohio, September 12, 1869, and was educated at that place. In 1888 he entered as a traveling salesman the firm of Reinhart & Newton, dealers in fancy groceries and manufacturers of confectionery. He remained with this firm for nine years. Previous to this he had also been in the retail grocery business with Joseph R. Peebles Sons in Cincinnati.
From an 1897 edition of Headlight: Sights and Scenes Along the C. & O. Route which featured Augusta.