A. E. Rankins


One of the most active and energetic business men of Augusta is Mr. A. E. Rankin, who is a wholesale and retail merchant carrying a large line of wagons, buggies, bicycles, groceries, line, salt, cement and hardware. Mr. Rankin was born in Augusta May 6, 1853 and was educated in Augusta College. In 1855 he entered the establishment of B. H. & W. J. Rankin as clerk, and continued with them for twelve years. He then opened a place of his own, carrying the same line of goods he now handles. Under Harrison's administration he held the position of postmaster in Augusta, giving entire satisfaction to the public in that capacity. Rankins is a Mason, and also belongs to the Order of Red Men, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He is one of Augusta's substantial businessmen, and has an extensive trade in the city and surrounding country.


From an 1897 edition of Headlight: Sights and Scenes Along the C. & O. Route which featured Augusta.