Bartholomew Taylor

Another Revolutionary Soldier Gone.
Died in Bracken co., Ky., on Tuesday, 5th October (1847), Mr. Bartholomew Taylor, aged 94 years. He was born in Somerset county, Md., from whence he emigrated to Kentucky in 1796. He served as a soldier several years during the Revolutionary war, and lived to see the western wilderness bud and bloom in prosperity.


from the Draper Papers, 19CC66

Lyman C. Draper (1815-1891) collected information on America’s first frontier and its notable figures and events, such as Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clarke, and The Battle of King’s Mountain. Draper’s papers include a treasure trove of information on the frontier settlers of the Carolinas, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.

The original papers are held at the Wisconsin Historical Society. They include thousands of handwritten letters of correspondence comprising nearly 500 volumes of information not available anywhere else about the pioneer settlers of the trans-Allegheny West.