Augusta Kentucky – Bodmann House
A four hours ride upon the elegant steamer St. James, and we were disembarked upon the specious levee of the city of Augusta, Bracken county, Ky. Augusta is a rural city of unrivalled beauty. Situate upon a picturesque plane between the base of romantic heights covered with vineyards to the South, it overlooks, on the North, the broad belt of the Ohio river stretching away many miles to the right and left, fringed with lofty highlands. Early the seat of learning, piety, refinement and hospitality, it has continued to be the home of a cultivated and charming society. The country around it is populous and productive. The trade with the interior and by the river is extensive, and prosperous.
At the intersection of Upper street and the summit of the levee is situate the “Bodmann House,” a noble structure of brick and stone, 67 by 75 feet in area, and three stories in height. The building was commenced in September, 1869, and completed and opened for the entertainment of the public in April 1870. It is located upon a spacious lot in the center of the city, and the ventilation and the view of the house is open and unobstructed on all sides. It is a model structure, perfect in its details, graceful and beautiful in external appearance, and elegant and sumptuous in internal arrangement. A sweeter, lovelier, more home like modern public house cannot be found in the West. It was built for and is the property of Jno. S. B. Patterson, and under the general management of himself and his courteous and estimable lady, it has already become the favorite resort of the traveling and local public, and an unequalled utility and ornament to the city and county of its location.
From the Covington Journal of June 4, 1870