Bracken County Items from
Collins' History of Kentucky
June 24, 1774 | “James McAfee goes up Limestone Creek” to the water of the North Fork of the Licking river, through hat is now Mason county, and down that stream some 25 miles; thence northward through hat is now Bracken county, thio river; with his tomahawk and knife makes a bark canoe, and overtakes his company, June 27, at the mouth of the Licking, where Covington is now.” |
January 26, 1818 | “Forty-six independent banks chartered, and with capital as follows: . . .$100,000 at . . . Augusta.” |
Feb. 10, 1820 | “Independent bank charters repealed.” |
February, 1828 | “Great excitement in Mason, Bracken, and Lewis counties, caused by the Kanawha salt monopoly of Armstrongs, Grant & Co., - a company of Maysville merchants - Wm. Armstrong, Johnston Armstrong, James Armstrong, Peter Grant (uncle of President U. S. Grant), James Hewitt, and Gilbert Adams, who contract for all of the salt made at the Kanawha works, and advance the price (then 30 cents) to 50 cents per bushel. John Armstrong, another merchant, is included in the indignation felt, because he aided in furnishing capital and otherwise assisted the monopoly. Large public meetings, at Augusta, Maysville, Washington, Mayslick, Germantown and other points, pass denunciatory resolutions, decline too buy or use Kanawha salt, and begin making arrangements for supplies of Conemaugh, Onandoga and Turks' Island salt.” |
February 17, 1831 | “Temperance society formed at Augusta 'to use all prudent means against the use of ardent spirits and wine, except for medicinal or wine on sacramental occasions, and refuses to support candidates for office who use ardent spirits for electioneering purposes, or are themselves addicted to their intemperate use.'” |
September 27, 1852 | “Stampede of slaves across the Ohio river, 32 from Mason and Bracken, 9 from Campbell, and 14 from Boone counties.” |
August 14, 1862 | [Kentucky Governor Magoffin receives a letter from 15 Grant Co. in] Camp Chase, Ohio, August 6, 1962, Prison #2,“from 93 citizens who had been arrested between May 23 and August 4, setting forth “that while in peaceful pursuit of their legitimate business at home, without warrant or law, they had been arrested by force that overpowered them, placed in confinement; that they were denied a trial by any tribunal known to the laws of our common country, but were compelled to remain there in prison, away from their homes, wives, children, relations, and friends, who were not permitted to see them.” They prayed the legislature “to take speedy action in their behalf, and that they might have a trial before their peers in their own state.” [The signers from Bracken County were:] Marma Slade, J. Cross Diltz, Richard Taylor, David Wood, and Jas. MacDonald.” |
February 5, 1864 | “36,009 gallons of wine manufactured in Bracken co. in 1862, and 31,030 gallons in 1863.” |
March 6, 1865 | “Mason, Boone, Nicholas, Campbell, Greenup, Gallatin, Bracken, Grant, Kenton, Butler, Carroll, Livingston, Lyon, Caldwell, Fleming, Oldham and Jefferson counties, and the city of Louisville, each authorized by special legislation to raise a bounty fund to aid enlistments and provide substitutes.” |
September 25, 1865 | “Dr. Joshua T. Bradford, of Augusta, Bracken co., sells to Wm. P. Anderson's 'Longworth's Wine House,' Cincinnati, 10000 gallons of native wine from his own vineyards, at $2:36 an $2:50 per gallon.” [colons in dollar amounts as in original] |
August 8, 12, 1867 | Several cases of rape by negroes upon white women and girls, in Fayette, Bracken and other counties. |
April, 1869 | ”Death, in Bracken co., aged 101 years, 7 months, 7 days, of Mrs. Susan Lloyd; at the age of 100, she ould read her Bible and thread a needle.” |
from The History of Kentucky, by the Late Lewis Collins, Judge of the Mason County Court, Revised, Enlarged Four-Fold, and Brought Down to the Year 1874 by His Son, Richard H. Collins, A.M., LL.B.