
Perhaps a small batch of news from this locality will not be out of place, it is so seldom that we see our town and surroundings mentioned in the Local and other papers taken here.  It is not for the want of plenty of news that has left us out in the cold, but a lively correspondent that will give all the lively items.   We have had some lively times here for the last three months.

Business is good.

The most interesting part is the fine building being put up here.  The Odd Fellows' are erecting a fine hall and the order is in a prosperous condition.

Hon. A. J. Maskley is building a fine private residence, the plan was taken from a house in Walnut Hills, Ohio.  He is also a candidate for the Legislature.  His prospects are good, and this will be his second term.

The tobacco trade has been dull for some time, it could not be handled by the farmers and shippers, dry weather was the cause.

Our farmers in the Mason district have made extensive preparations for a large crop this year, but dry weather will cut the crop short and plants will be scarce.

Some of our industrious young ladies have put in operation a dress making and millinery establishment.


from the Newport Local, May 22, 1879