
A post village and the capital of Bracken county, situated on Locust creek, about 80 miles east north-east from Frankfort, 50 miles from Covington, about 250 miles [!] from Louisville, and nine miles from the Ohio river.  Distance by stage route to Augusta nine and a half miles.

It is situated in a fertile region, commanding an active business and contains a Court House, five stores, two churches, one seminary, one Masonic Lodge (Brooksville, No. 154), two hotels, one water flouring mill, one water grist mill, one steam saw mill, one druggist, two physicians, six attorneys, three magistrates, one carding machine, one carriage maker, two saddlers, one tanner, and one tobacconist. Population about 300.  Post office established in 1839.

Jacob Walker, postmaster

Business Directory

Adamson, Geo. carpenter and builder
Barrett, E. R. county surveyor
Best, Wm. M. cooper
Best, Wm. M. general store
Bonde, J. H. attorney at law
Bonde, J. H. probate judge
Bonfield, J. W. school teacher
Brooks, David planter
Brooksville Seminary J. W. Bonfield, teacher
Brooksville Lodge F.& A. Masons, No. 154
Childs, E. P. general store
Clark, John B. attorney at law
Clark, J. B. auditor
Clayton, P. H. sheriff
Corlis, J. W. R. physician and surgeon
Crupper, Wm. B. justice of the peace
Donovan, James tanner
Fenber, John N. attorney at law
Florer, A. carpenter and builder
Florer, M. carpenter and builder
Freeze, G. P. druggist
Fronk, M. L. D. carpenter and builder
Fronk, Samuel planter
Fronk, Henry painter
Gill, R. tobacco and cigars
Haley, Porter planter
Hamilton, J. C. planter
Hamilton, G. W. attorney at law
Harvey, R. J. carpenter and builder
Hughey, R. J. county clerk
Lee, C. H. county judge
Lee, C. H. attorney at law
Lee, Reese & Melvin carding machine
Lee, Reese & Melvin proprietors, flouring mill
McDonald, A. G. harness and saddle maker
Mathews, A harness and saddle maker
Marshall, Wm. marshall
Melvin, James wagon maker
Murray, James planter
Morton, Silas constable
Prekins, L. M. tailor
Pincard, A. physician and surgeon
Powell, F. cooper
Schoolfield, John justice of the peace
Sellers, John blacksmith
Smith, Rev. G. W. Methodist Episc.
Stoll, H. boot and shoe maker
Stratton, James plow maker
Walker, J. boot and shoe maker
Walker, Jacob postmaster
Ware, Marcus proprietor, Eagle Hotel
Whistnet & Ryan flouring mill proprietors
Williams & Day general store
Williams W. W. proprietor of Exchange Hotel
Willis B. G. attorney at law
Wyett, L. R. blacksmith


From George W. Hawes’ Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, for 1859 and 1860