This village is located on the line between Mason and Bracken counties, about 175 miles from Louisville. It has five churches, two schools, one grist mill, and an estimated population of 800. Tobacco is the leading staple. Stage to Burksville and Maysville; fare 50 cents. Ship to Maysville. Daily mail.
Business Leaders
Black Theodore J, leaf tobacco
Browning Francis A, druggist
Coleman Wm W, justice of the peace
Dimmett, Elijah C, physician
Dora, Thompson M, general store
Downing John, police judge
Elliott Winter & Co, leaf tobacco
Erion George, carpenter
Frazee John M, physician and leaf tobacco
Frazee Joseph T, general store
Gallagher Charles, barber
Gallagher Garrison, blacksmith
Gallagher John, blacksmith
Gallagher W H, blacksmith
Germantown Cooperative Store
O N Asbury, manager
Holton John M, physician
Holton Wm W, general store
Kerk John J, city marshall
Levett Charles M, principal common school
Mannen J & L H, leaf tobacco
Murphy Rev D M, M E Church
Norris Darius, grist mill
Pollitt Robert H, wagon and blacksmith shop
Pollock Isaac, physician
Pollock Samuel F, justice of the peace
Pollock Thirm, leaf tobacco
Savage Cornelius, hotel
Tiller Elder W H, Christian
Williams, Elijah, leaf tobacco
Winter Rev W H, Methodist, South
Woodward Isaac M, constable
This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original