Walter Forster
Walter Forster was born in Stockbach, Baden, July 25, 1861. In 1878 he came to Dayton, Ohio, and in 1881 to Newport. In 1887 he came to this city and has lived here since. He married Miss Mary Maerton and to them three boys have been born. Mr. Forster is magistrate of the district composed of Dayton, Bellevue, and the lower part of Highlands. He is now serving his third term in office, and his successive re-elections show his popularity and satisfactory discharge of official duties. As a member of the fiscal court, Mr. Forster has conspicuously shown his good judgment in public affairs.
The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898. All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.